Thursday, July 10, 2014


Every day is a gift.

Isn't it wonderful to get up every day and perhaps say to ourselves, "I am so grateful to be alive and well." Maybe we don't say that. Maybe it's more like "Another day... same routine... life is boring as all heck."

Attitude, or is it gratitude we should have.  Grateful for the life, the families, the jobs, the homes we have.  Freedom to worship as we please and to voice an opinion.

Time is slowing ticking away my friends.  Oh, we don't notice it with each second or minute of every day, but we look back on it at the end of the week, the month and the year.  Time slowing slipping through our fingers and we are not doing anything about it.  Well, we can't really change how time passes, but what we can do is change the way it passes and how we use it to our benefit.

What is it that you have always wanted to do, but never got the chance to, but now you can?
Whatever is was or still is, do it.  I hear a clock ticking in the background...even for myself...and I'll be darn if I let that clock stop me from doing what I have always dreamed of doing.

Tomorrow is another day and when you get up, say to yourself "I am so grateful to be alive and well. I want to do something for myself today.  I deserve it."

Jacqueline Coote is an artist/author - Women's Fiction - Encouragement/Inspirational

Jacqueline Coote -


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